Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween Bimbo's!

So right now I'd like to take time to introduce my new blog layout!!! :D It took me way to long to make it ... Mostly because I was lazy. D: And if you like that I created my own MH character and would like to do so yourself AND have it featured.... Visit my Character Profiles page tab! There is information on how to make your own following my personalized criteria. Any questions, comments or entry's I am available to email at (:

On a side note, if any of you have been creeping my posts on the MB forums, you would know that right now I'm actually not at home.. I'm currently living with my boyfriend at his mom's in a different province than my own. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm going back in a few weeks, without Kaalan. -ultrasadface-
:( I'm going to miss him a lot..

ALSO Chris announced yesterday? No, today.. That he is starting to ban any bimbo he feels is negative. Cool. I'll have to stop bashing him now LOL. (: (if you want to here, go ahead, bimbos!)

I like comments and feedback so comment if you want! Or don't ;-;

Thank you for being patient with my hiatus. (:

Saturday 13 October 2012


Just an update since I haven't posted in a while. 

Edits: I have posted my new edits in the category for viewing (:

Personal: I have been so preoccupied with Netflix (watching movies & tv shows... mostly anime) and thinking about home lately that I haven't had any inspiration to edit, work on my blog or surf the web in general.. I'm so lazy and I just have no desire to do anything right now. I'm almost positive it's because of the weather .. So I'm hoping it will pass because I truly do love editing. I am thinking I'm going to take a mini-hiatus from contests on Miss Bimbo for a while and work on my new blog template as well as filling up some of my more empty categories. Maybe trying  out some hair and faces. I've given some thought in doing sets of clothes but I don't have VIB so there would be no point since I don't have a shop in shop street. nor can I view SS in general.. 

So without further ado here's what I hope to accomplish before I go back home in November.
- New blog template(it might be Christmas-y
- A few new hairs
- Maaaybe a pose
- Some faces
- Possibly some jewelry as well. 



Thursday 27 September 2012


Alright so I've been pretty inactive on my blog which isn't good! So here's a tiny update..
I am currently editing something cool for a new contest and when it's finished I am going to start on a new theme for my blog!

Also, I have updated my edits and banners section. (:
I actually didn't realize I could update my pages a different way then I usually do soo... Oops. Haha. All is fixed!


Friday 21 September 2012

New edits

Sadly blogger will not let me update my pages so i can't upload my new edits... So from now on I'll just post them here.



Tuesday 18 September 2012

Behind the Bimbo

No one really knows anything about me - including what I look like. So I thought I would throw a picture out there! As well as the official music video to Lazuli by Beach House.

Also, I have not budged on my new edits, sadly. I think I'm going to come up with a mini fall collection  and I'll post the new pose I made soon because it's actually finished! I just want to put some clothes and hair on it as an example first. Thank you for being patient (not that you were bugging me.... but you get the point)

Here's me! These are a couple of older photos.



This is a picture of me and my lovely boyfriend taken about a month or so ago (:


And finally, here's one of me taken a couple of days ago ^^ (it doesn't look like it because of the lighting, but I took my lip ring out for good.)


And here's Lazuli (: Enjoy and good luck to everyone who started back up at school!! I am happy to report I don't need to until March! Being graduated has it's happy moments c:


Thursday 13 September 2012


I started a new edit and.... I've been too lazy to finish it.
There have also been a few things happening with me so... This is a really slow start. :(
Feel free to leave comments! I know people visit, just drop a hello! (:


Wednesday 5 September 2012

What's this?!

I know it was a little elongated, but "my" bimbo's usables are finally in their proper category! See the Poses and Hair tabs if you wish to use them!! I can't stress enough that you please credit me. I did work really hard to make them for you, although they are not perfect and I am a newbie, I've seen my fair share of bimbo design thieves while searching for tutorials (and scoping out other amazing designers!) so please credit me! Thanks!!
